What Our Partners Need to Know About the Restaurant Revitalization Fund
Many of ScanSource’s technology solution providers have customers who operate within this vertical market and have been impacted over the last year as a result of COVID-19. Our goal is to help our partners stay informed so they can better servetheircustomers and provide them with accurate information in this time of need. Below are the highlights of the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, as well as some informative videos and articles about the program. We hope you find this information helpful as you continue to support your customers.
- Establishments qualified to receive funding include bars, restaurants, bakeries, catering companies, distilleries, taverns, saloons, food trucks, food stands/carts, and even snack bars
- In order to qualify and/or receive a grant, applicants must verify that the funds are reasonably necessary to support ongoing operation of their business
- Individual venues and establishments can apply for a grant of up to $5 million directly on the U.S. Small Business Administration website OR through point-of-sale
- Restaurant groups with fewer than 20 locations can apply for up to $10 million
- Establishments canregister directlyon the U.S. Small Business Administration website
- Applications are being accepted as of Monday, May 3

Our partners at RSPA have produced a fantastic video titled “Navigating the New $28.6B Restaurant Revitalization Fund,” which can be foundhere.
Check out these links below for additional resources and information: