The Benefits of Automation in Inventory Management
If there is one lesson that we’ve learned this year, it is to expect the unexpected. Supply chains rely heavily on proactive planning and accurate forecasting, which have been difficult and at times impossible this past year due to an onslaught of unanticipated events like the COVID-19 pandemic, the Suez Canal blockage, the Colonial Pipeline hack, and the list goes on. Despite these disruptions, customer expectations for timely order fulfillment have only become more demanding and, as a result, manufacturing and logistics businesses have had to be increasingly agile in order to maintain operations in the wake of unprecedented challenges.
One solution that has emerged is the rise of automated technology, which allows manufacturers to automate manufacturing workflows and make faster, better-informed decisions when unanticipated disruptions occur. Warehouses can easily integrate these new technologies into pre-existing processes in a variety of ways and with a variety of benefits. Here are the top three reasons why you should consider implementing automation into your inventory management.
Read the full article in Industry Today.